What You Need To Know About Pairing Yoga With Cannabis (How To)

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What You Need To Know About Pairing Yoga With Cannabis (How To)

What You Need To Know About Pairing Yoga With Cannabis (How To)

Many of us are in search of overall wellness. We try to eat well, exercise and strive for balance in our lives. Despite our efforts, wellness isn’t always easy to achieve and for some of us, it might take more effort than others. Of course we know that our cannabis habits have wellness-promoting benefits, but pairing it with another wellness activity can further enhance our lives. Discussion about pairing yoga with cannabis has become a hot topic in recent years. But is pairing the two together right for you? Here is what you need to know about pairing yoga with cannabis.


Be Selective      

Yoga is the practice of mindfulness, so it’s important to be selective with the cannabis you consume to enhance your yoga practice. Quieting your mind, focusing on your breath and having control over your body are important to an effective yoga practice. These things need to be considered when seeking the right marijuana product for your practice. Enhancing self-awareness is the goal, so go for calming and mellowing effects rather than something that will get your mind racing. Clearing your mind for your practice is the point, not getting stuck in your thoughts. Selecting an Indica Hybrid can be a good place to start.


Experiment A Little

While you may have your favorite yoga pose, your practice doesn’t likely only include that single pose. The same goes for your cannabis. Experimenting with different strains rather than sticking with the same one every time you practice yoga can take you to a different level. You may even find your perfect pairing varies based on what type of yoga you are practicing. Your end of the day, winding-down-for-the-night yoga practice is likely to be enhanced with a different strain than the perfect strain for your morning, get-ready-for-the-day practice. Take some time and have fun playing around with determining your favorite pairings.


Start Small

If you are new to yoga, marijuana or pairing them together, then it makes sense to take baby steps. Going back to experimenting, there are many different yet impactful variables to consider. Your delivery method could be one. Since yoga focuses heavily on your breath, perhaps inhaling cannabis could be contradictory leaving you short of breath. Correcting this could mean inhaling your perfect strain early in preparation for you practice or rethinking your delivery method. Vaping or consuming edibles might be a solution, but this too will require some experimentation. Deciding what pairings are best for you is easier when you know your body alone, with yoga and with cannabis. Understanding the effects of each on your body separately can help you understand the effects when paired together.          


You also don’t want to be super high during your yoga class that you lose control, focus or take down a neighboring yogi when trying your tree pose. Don’t overdo it as you work to fine-tune your yoga and cannabis pairing. With some pairing practice, you’ll have a personalized, dialed-in ultimate yogic/cannabis wellness practice in place in no time.


Tell us your favorite yoga and cannabis pairing.

By | 2017-07-01T18:00:42+00:00 July 1st, 2017|Cannabis 101|1 Comment

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